If you don't remember what the outside of the house looked like originally, you can check that out here. Here's the latest photo of the outside!It's obviously still a work in progress. Chris has been working feverishly on SO much of the outside, it may not look like much, but he's added up lighting to the trees and has been building the fence for weeks and weeks! It'll look so much better with new grass too!
The Much Anticipated... Garage
If you recall, my last post was about our garage which you can actually see in the picture above to the very left. Here's a front view.
It's actually not done either. We're adding closed cedar shutters in that faux window above the doors. We did our best to make it look residential so hopefully that finishing touch will help.
You can also see to the left that we're in the process of putting up an 8 foot fence between our us and our neighbors. I'll post final pictures of that soon!
The Backyard
I'm completely in love with our backyard... it's our own little oasis and very peaceful and serene. And not to mention HUGE for our Schnaus!
If you look closely in the photo above, that orange temporary fence is the line where the new fence will go up. Again, still a work in progress! We need GRASS!
And the final photo for today... Chris and his dad spent a weekend building this fence. We extended the old fence over so that we had a little master retreat area outside. Our master has french doors that open up to the area that is somewhat hidden in this picture, to the top right of the photo.
Will try and keep up with this blog better from now on! Not much has happened inside the house. We've painted, there are some lights up, etc. I'm going to post more inside pictures in about 2 weeks when our cabinets are finally installed!!! I've been super stressed going through the drawings of the cabinets trying to make sure they're EXACTLY what I want, that's why it's taking so long for us to proceed inside... More to come!